Tips for a responsible Christmas
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Tips for a responsible Christmas

The well-decorated wooden dining table, the big tree lit up with its most beautiful decorations, the presents at the foot of your Christmas tree, the feast with friends and family... And yet, the festive season is synonymous with over-consumption. To combat this, it is important to change your consumption habits. Find out our tips for a more responsible Christmas that is just as merry as the last.

A sustainable decoration

Every year, the choice of an artificial or a traditional tree is essential. Contrary to popular belief, the artificial tree is not so environmentally friendly, as it is made from petroleum and is often produced on the other side of the world. This year, do yourself a favor and opt for the traditional tree. Here are some tips on how to choose responsibly:

-The Christmas tree must come from France or Europe;
-Your tree must come from eco-managed forests, and ideally bear the Blue Plant label, which guarantees good environmental conditions;
-It must be properly recycled in a biodegradable tree bag.

It's hard not to fall in love with all the new decorations you can find in the shops. These decorations are usually made from plastic and in foreign countries. Even if you have them at home, reuse your old garlands and baubles. This will save you the trouble of buying new ones. However, if you feel like bringing in something new, grab a pair of scissors and make your own eco-friendly Christmas decoration! There are lots of DIYs available on the internet. This could be a great family activity for the festive season.

Even at an eco-friendly Christmas, your wooden dining table will be beautiful and ready to welcome your loved ones. We know how important it can be to create a beautiful table, so here are our tips. For a successful wooden table decoration you will need: pine branches, pine cones and reused Christmas ornaments. You will get a beautiful and durable centerpiece. Your wooden dining table and your new decoration will add a natural touch to the atmosphere. Place a few candles, self-made place cards and you're done.

Eco-responsible gifts

There are many ways to make environmentally friendly gifts. You can definitely opt for second-hand gifts! There are many products available in very good condition, so why not give them a second life? New or second-hand, a gift is still a gift. For the more courageous, make them yourself. It's a great alternative to over-consumption, and it's very economical.

The second possibility is to opt for something made in France. Many brands have developed in our territory by advocating French manufacturing. By buying their products, you will support the local economy and limit your impact on the environment.

Whether you shop online or in boutiques, the key is to centralize your purchases. Because the less transport there is, the better for the environment. The idea is to do your Christmas shopping on the same site, just as you will buy as many gifts as possible in the same shopping center.  By minimizing the number of sites you order from, you will help limit the environmental impact of deliveries, and you will pay less postage.

Reusable gift wrap

Finally, it is important to limit gift wrapping, although it is an integral part of the gift. But once the paper is removed, it will be thrown away. To avoid this, we suggest a new technique... Furoshiki! It's a Japanese technique that consists of wrapping your gift with a folded piece of fabric. You will find plenty of tutorials on this subject. After removing the fabric, the recipient of the gift can reuse it and give a more responsible gift in turn. Alternatively, a pouch can be used.

A more ecological festive meal

We often tend to overdo it by preparing different dishes to please our loved ones. But in the end, not all of these dishes will be consumed. It is better to opt for a simple and unique menu. The idea is to make a responsible meal from local and seasonal food. You can't avoid leftovers after holiday meals. You'll need to save them and then reuse them to prevent food waste.

In December, many fruits and vegetables are available for a variety of recipes.  As well as being good for the environment, eating in season means that you can cook fresh and better tasting produce. By favoring seasonal foods, you are supporting local shops such as greengrocers and grocers. You will support the local economy while buying good products for the environment and your taste buds.

The dendro team wishes you a happy holiday season 

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